910 &Next > 911 Start(&N) > 912 Done(&X) 913 &Cancel 914 &Yes > 915 &No 916 Deleting 917 Extracting 918 UNLHA32.DLL not found. Setup is failed. 919 Now checking the files... 920 File %s is not exist. Setup is aborted. 921 Failed to extract %s. Setup is aborted. 922 File %s is corrupt. Setup is aborted. 923 Failed to regist the programs to start menu. Please retry Setup. 924 Failed to unregist the programs from start menu. Please delete the entry manually. 925 Please select the software which you wish to install. 926 Please select the type of installation. 927 Please input destination folder where %s will be installed. 928 Now registering programs to start menu 929 Now installing %s 930 Installing %s is finished. 931 Installing %s is not completed. Please retry Setup. 932 Drive %c: has not enough free space.\nNeed more %d Kbytes space.\n\n 933 Now uninstalling %s... 934 Uninstall %s is done. 935 Uninstall %s 936 Setup 1002 DOGA-L3: CGA kit for beginners Version 2000.12.31 Setup 1003 DOGA-L3: CGA kit for beginners 1004 DoGA CGA System 1005 DOGAL3 1006 DoGA 1008 \Program Files\DOGACGA 1009 If DOGA-L1 or DOGA-L2 is already install and now to be overwrited, install might be success. Challenge to install. 1010 Do you uninstall DOGA-L3?\n\nData files will not be deleted. please delete manually 1012 1 1013 uninstl3.exe 1028 We provide friendly HELP for users instead of Manuals.\nPlease refer to one line help at the bottom of the window and preferably read through the HELP first. It is easy and has many images to guide you.\n\n 1029 Please visit http://www.doga.co.jp/english for more information. \nYou can get models, tips, newsletters and more at our website. 1030 http://www.doga.co.jp/english/ 1031 +貧銐螾Hrn0誖;u!j豬𖏎0򎒾00Y00 1101 DOGA Corporation ("DOGA")\nEND USER LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR DOGA-L3\n\n 1102 Do not install or use the Software until you have read and accepted all of the license terms. Permission to use the software is conditional upon your agreement to the license terms. \n\n 1103 If you do not agree to the terms of license agreement, please remove the Software promptly from your computer.\n\n 1104 1.Grant of license The DOGA software is licensed as follows: \n 1105 You are granted limited, non-exclusive, nontransferable license to use the DOGA product in consideration of the payment of the registration fee.\n 1106 You may use the Software on one computer at any time for use only in the End-User's own business.\n 1107 You may not copy or reproduce the Software except the archival purpose.\n\n 1108 2. Copyright.\n 1109 The Software is owned by DOGA and is protected by Japanese copyright laws and international provisions.\n 1110 The copyright of L1 preset parts belongs to DOGA. The copyright of all visual content produced using L1 belongs to you and DOGA. You can use them for personal use and exhibit them at CG contests etc. 1111 If you would like to use them for business purposes, DOGA's permission is required.\n 1112 Visual content and models produced using any part or function of L1 for non-profit purposes including personal and group homepages is allowed. 1113 In these cases, please mention that they are the products of DOGA-L3 and put a DOGA banner on the homepage.\n\n 1114 3. No warranty.\n 1115 This product is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. DOGA does not and cannot warrant the performance or results you may obtain by using the Software. 1116 In no event will DOGA be liable to you for any consequential, incidental, direct, indirect, special, punitive, or other damages whatsoever 1117 (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, loss of savings or other pecuniary loss) 1118 arising out of this agreement or use of or inability to use the Software, even if DOGA has been advised of the possibility of such damages.\n 1119 In United States, some states/jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages. So the above limitation may not apply to you.\n\n 1120 4. Termination.\n 1121 This license will terminate immediately without notice from Licensor if you fail to comply with the terms and conditions of this license agreement. In such case, you must remove the Software promptly from your computer.\n\n 1122 5. Export law assurances.\n 1123 The end user agrees that the Software is to be used in the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Holland, Australia, New Zealand and Malaysia.\n 1200 , 35352, 2434 1201 + \DL3_012B.DLX, 29140, 618 1500 \DOGAL3 1501 \COMMON 1502 \TEMP 1600 \DOGAL3\DOGAL3.EXE 1601 \DOGAL3\HELP\DOGAL3.pdf 1602 \DOGAL3\objconv.exe 1620 DOGA-L3 1621 DOGA-L3 Help 1622 Part File Converter 1700 \DOGAL3\DOGAL3.INI,\DOGAL3\DOGAL3.BAK 1910 !kx0(&N) > 1911 嫊薡(&N) > 1912 孾哊(&X) 1913 wl~(&C) 1914 TaY00(&Y) > 1915 W0j0D0(&N) 1916 JRd栒0񄘖0 1917 U\嫊󤕘񍲄 1918 UNLHA32.DLL L0媺d0K00~0[000򔛼򼖊򭆄n0w嵳Rk01YWeW0~0W0_0 1919 񍳔򎒾00k0臺亯j0󤕘񍲄0簒崐W0f0D0~0Y0 1920 󤕘񍲄 %s L0X[(WW0~0[000򔛼򼖊򭆄0-N璭W0~0Y0 1921 󤕘񍲄 %s n0U\嫊k01YWeW0~0W0_00򔛼򼖊򭆄0-N璭W0~0Y0 1922 󤕘񍲄 %s o0LZH󤕘񍲄g0j0D0K00蔢0f0D0~0Y00򔛼򼖊򭆄0-N璭W0~0Y0 1923 󪫀񲬐0n0{v2搆01YWeW0~0W0_00򔛼򼖊򭆄𖊎0魐W0f0 NU0D0 1924 󪫀񲬐0n0{v2摴b坢k01YWeW0~0W0_00Kb\Omig0JRd朩0f0O0`0U0D0 1925 񍳔򎒾00Y00򚨠򼖲񖵒0x悶bW0f0O0`0U0D0 1926 %s 0 HD k0񍳔򎒾00W0~0Y00i0n00F0k0񍳔򎒾00W0~0Y0K0? 1927 %s 𖏎0򎒾00Y00򹑜0񯢎00eQ汻W0f0 NU0D0 1928 󪫀񲬐􆈪{v2-Ng0Y0 1929 %s 𖏎0򎒾00W0f0D0~0Y0 1930 %s n0񍳔򎒾00o0ck8^k0B}哊W0~0W0_0 1931 %s o0񍳔򎒾00U00~0[00g0W0_00򔛼򼖊򭆄𖊎0魐W0f0 NU0D0 1932 򿦈񍮲 %c: k0o0ASRj0zzM0筟蠎L0B00~0[000\nB0h00%d K󔽞0o0臺亯g0Y00\n\n 1933 %s n0񇩤񍳔򎒾00-Ng0Y0 1934 %s n0񇩤񍳔򎒾00o0B}哊W0~0W0_0 1935 %s 񇩤񍳔򎒾00 1936 򔛼򼖊򭆄 2002 CGAeQ暛0򭃮 DOGA-L3 Version 2000.12.31 򔛼򼖊򭆄 2003 CGAeQ暛0򭃮 DOGA-L3 2009 DOGA-L1K0DOGA-L2L0񍳔򎒾00n0g00U00k0 N鴉M0񍳔򎒾00Y004XTk0o0񍳔򎒾00鶴eg0K00W00~0[00n0g00!kk02悡0g0O0`0U0D00\n\n]0F0g0j0D04XTo00򹑜0񯢎00 YH00K00򹑜򎏄n0zzM00{c鶴W0f0K00򔛼򼖊򭆄W0魐W0f0O0`0U0D00 2010 DOGA-L3 𖎺0񍪐򼤎0W0~0Y0K0? \n\n⺳秗g0o0 DOGA-L3 𖎺0񍳔򎒾00Y00h00DOGA-L10L2 0O(ug0M0j0O0j00~0Y00臺亯j00p0峇񍳔򎒾00W0f0O0`0U0D00\n\n򹟖򠲐񄘖0o0JRd朥00~0[00n0g004XTk0躝X0f0Kb\Omig0JRd朩0f0O0`0U0D00 2012 0 2028 􀇴0񇨔鉔00k0󭯤󪜲EQ焄U0[0f0D0~0Y00gRk0V0c0h0󭯤0k0顅0怶0f0D0_0`0Q00p00B0h0o0񓰤0򿛪 N钀n01L堌00󪜲耂k0Y00`0Q0g0!|XSk0CG0\O0S0h0L0g0M00g0W00F00 2029 2030 http://www.doga.co.jp/ptdoga/ 2101 0S0n0o00DOGA-L3n0񍳔򎒾00爦k0B00L0h0F0T0V0D0~0Y00\n\n 2102 DOGA-L 򈎢00o00~0c0_0O0n0R胈0㘚a宧0W0_0CG 񇣔0eQ暦0򎒪0g0Y00 2103 塸en0򚨠0(L1,L2,L3)K00薸bU00f0J0000U0W0D0h0S00K00\W0Z0d0祂帠剉k0򎒪򭆄񇢄0W0j0L000CG 񇣔􉍢頞梍g0M000F0k0j0c0f0D0~0Y00 2104 L3 o00L 򈎢00n0Lesson3 g0Y00\n\n 2105 0h0D0F0S0h0g00DOGA-L3o00L1,L20頞梍W0f0D00h0D0F0S0h0L0MR衏k0j0c0f0D0~0Y00 2106 L3n0􀇴0񇨔00L1,l2h0蛻j00钀Ro0weuW0f0D0~0Y00臺Z0L1,L2K00頞梍W0f0O0`0U0D00\n\n 2107 DOGA-L3n0誖\O皌僗o0錘 Nn0悐0g0Y00\n 2108 _j.z: Windows L0誖O0󘆐񻼜\n 2109 CPU: Pentium 200MHz 錘 N\n 2110 ╟hY 300MHz 錘 N\n 2111 OS: Windows95(DirectX5錘M朙0臺亯)\n 2112 Windows98╟hY\n 2113 􉚂0: gNO64MB錘 N0╟hY128MB錘 N\n 2114 HD: gNO150MB 錘 N0╟hY 200MB 錘 N\n 2115 ]0n0諲: Direct3D L0誖O0S0h0\n\n 2116 0j0J00DOGA-L3 o0򈄄񇝢񖵒(3,000哘)h0j0c0f0J0000򋋰0Y00~0g0o0 0񇣔􉞆򈎄00h:yY00 0_j齹o0OH0~0[000\n 2117 0愌懝e誰k0d0D0f0o00\n 2118 0Vector 򈄄񇨞0 (SR019953,SR019955)\n 2119 0鯋縊/cf\n 0扡/c紡\n 2120 n03悐0n0筫誰0(uaW0f0J00~0Y00愌懯Ss0{v2搉0s0}k0d0D0f0o00񍳔򎒾00宊k0󭯤󪜲耂gqW0f0O0`0U0D00\n\n 2121 0DOGA-L򈎢00k0W0f00憉OU0陮OUI{L0B00~0W0_000\n dogal@doga.co.jp\nk0~0g0􉞆0W0f0O0`0U0D00 2122 ~0_00PROJECT TEAM DoGAn0󷀶􆓺00\n http://www.doga.co.jp/ptdoga/\n 2123 g0o0DOGA-L򈎢00k0Y00g癳臽1X0lQ嫊W0f0D0~0Y00\n 2601 \DOGAL3\HELP\DOGAL3.pdf 2602 \DOGAL3\objconv.exe 2620 CGAeQ暛0򭃮 DOGA-L3 2621 DOGA-L3n0󭯤0 2622 󘐆򰈜0򠬼0󕋎0